Few things can have a more powerful impact on your life than improving your daily habits, so then why does it often feel so difficult to keep good habits going for more than a few days?! And why is it that once your habits are established, they seem to stick around forever, especially the unwanted ones!?
Changing our habits is challenging for two reasons:
We try to change the wrong thing.
We try to change our habits in the wrong way.
This week we're going to address the first point, in the coming love letters we'll address the second.
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Why is it so easy to overestimate the importance of one defining moment and underestimate the value of making small improvements on a daily basis?
Because improving by 1% each day isn't particularly notable, sometimes it isn't even noticeable. But it can be far more meaningful, especially in the long run.
Here's how the math works out.
If you can get 1% better each day for one year, you'll end up 37 times better by the time you're done.
Conversely, if you get 1% worse each day for one year you’ll decline nearly down to zero.
What starts as a small win, or a minor setback accumulates into something much more.
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There are a lot of teacher trainings to choose from, but when choosing your trainers, your program, it’s important to come back to your core values. If cultivating meaningful, sustainable wellness, compassion and kindness are at the core of your why, then you must take time to evaluate your options and use your best judgement when choosing your program.
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We’re being fed a version of mindfulness that can be likened to a quick and easy drive-thru Big Mac - so convenient you don’t even have to leave your car (but never as satisfying or nourishing as the real thing). We forget that there is nothing quick and easy about a true mindfulness practice. It’s a discipline that requires ardent dedication.
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Earlier this year I reluctantly stepped into the unknown, and for reasons unrevealed to myself, I took the plunge and signed up for a 10-Day Vipassana Meditation Course. For those who don’t know, Vipassana is one of India’s most ancient meditation techniques, originally discovered more than 2500 years ago by Gotama Buddha. The word Vipassana means to “see things as they really are,” to fully awaken to reality exactly as it is.
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