The KIND Approach


A common reaction we've received from first time students at KIND is, "Wow, it feels like I've finally found what I was searching for, but I didn't even know it was missing in the first place." What they're really communicating to us, is that they're feeling a deeper sense of connection, belonging and purpose, and these feelings are a result of our unique model. At KIND, there are three principles faithfully woven into the fabric of our company that guide each action we take. Remove any of these three elements and the magic of KIND Yoga is lost.

Our recipe consists of three ingredients; Community, Mindfulness, and Nature. Science has proven that the power of nature, yoga and community combined is greater than the sum of each individually. 



A collection of humans with diverse characteristics linked together by shared values and intentions who come together in support of a common goal. 


A cultivation of the ethics, wisdom, and meditation aspects of the eightfold path taught by the Buddha. Mindfulness is a present moment awareness of thoughts, feelings and bodily sensations, as well as a constant integration of past learnings, old patterns, and newfound insights. This awareness forms our understanding of ourselves and our inter-connectedness to the world around us, and the best actions to take to reduce harm and suffering for all. 


The phenomena of the physical world collectively, including plants, animals, and all sentient beings, and other features and products of the earth, and their interconnectedness forming a complex whole. 


Where the Community and Mindfulness circles crossover, you get Intention. Where the Mindfulness and Nature circles crossover, you get Connection. Where Nature and Community crossover you get Abundance. The KIND recipe results in an intentional, deeply connected, and abundant yoga experience. 


Our Inclusivity Action Plan


You are welcome here.

At KIND, we recognize that black, Indigenous, people of colour, LGBTTQQIAAP+ and Trans lives matter, and that it is our responsibility to actively work to dismantle the ingrained racism and systematic oppression that has existed in our global community for hundreds of years.

We passionately seek to create a safe space for all, and humbly work to walk alongside others in a way that is respectful both in body, speech, and mind. We see it as our responsibility in our mindfulness journey to continuously revisit these inequalities from a variety of angles, and will work together to keep the conversation about inclusivity, diversity and reciprocity as a priority and focus for as long as we are in business.

We seek to live this out in action by:

  • Ensuring our studio is a space wherein BIPOC feel welcome and included by providing our students and staff with ongoing anti-racism and anti-oppression education in talks, workshops, and educational materials.

  • As an ongoing effort to rectify the lack of representation of BIPOC in the yoga industry and ensure that there are BIPOC role models and peers within the industry we offer incentives to our YTT program for BIPOC individuals.

  • Giving Land Acknowledgments at all classes and events.

  • Educating our yoga teacher trainees on how to create inclusive and accessible yoga classes that are welcoming to everyone.

  • Be a safe space for allies to come and learn.

We understand that it is impossible to not be racist (as racist attitudes are indoctrinated into all of us from birth whether we’re aware of them or not), and we are committed to lifelong learning and unlearning, deep humility, and sustained action. We acknowledge that the broader yoga community is dominated by whiteness and white supremacy, making these environments subject to racial biases. We commit to breaking down those biases by being even more proactive in educating and diversifying our community and staff.


OUR Land Acknowledgement


KIND Yoga acknowledges the original caretakers of the land it is settled on: the Anishinaabe, Haudenosaunee and Huron-Wendat Peoples. We recognize the history of colonialism in settler colonial societies, and also its prevalence in the western yoga and mindfulness industry, and we see the need for change. In honour of the history and the treaties, we pledge to care for and use this land respectfully, and to observe the practice of yoga in a way that dismantles colonial structures and supports and elevates Indigenous voices by actively seeking to identify and examine our own accumulated privileges form centuries of systematic oppression and to use those advantages to help promote equitable outcomes for others.



OUR Partners


Land Over Landings

A community revived and the Lands transformed into a permanent regional food hub, serving Canada’s largest urban market and providing the area with fresh opportunities, secure jobs, and a healthy, sustainable future.


Ontario Farmland Trust

The Mission of the Ontario Farmland Trust is to protect and preserve Ontario farmlands and associated agricultural, natural and cultural features of the countryside through direct land securement, stewardship, policy research and education for the benefit of Ontarians today and future generations.