We invite you to join KIND founder Ellen Reesor along with Spirit Loft Co-Founder Andre Talbot for a one day mindfulness meditation and movement retreat. Dive deeper into your mindfulness practice and learn from one of Torontos’ leading mindfulness teachers and former CFL player Andre Talbot.
KIND Yoga Studio
10825 Ninth Line Markham, ON, L6B 1A8, Canada
9:30AM – 10AM Arrive and Settle In
10AM – 11:30AM Meditation and Morning Practice (Ellen)
11:30AM – 12PM Tea + Coee / Snack Break
12PM – 1:15PM Movement Lab (Ellen)
1:15PM – 2PM Lunch
2PM – 2:30PM Mindfulness Talk (Andre)
2:30PM – 4PM Mindfulness Meditation Practice – Sitting & Walking (Andre)
4PM – 4:15PM Tea Break
4:15PM – 5PM Mindful Group Activity (Andre)
5PM – 6PM Restorative Movement & Rest (Andre)
Cost is $145 + tax
All activities and practice sessions throughout the day
Healthy snacks, tea, coee and water (make sure you bring your re-usable bottle!)
Healthy, organic vegan lunch
Price Does NOT Include:
- Transportation to and from the retreat.
Andre Talbot
Andre enjoyed a 10-year career as a professional football player in the Canadian Football League where he achieved numerous accolades including Grey Cup Champion.
Since retiring from the rigorous and gruelling nature of athletic competition, Andre has continued to explore, research and share in different disciplines of movement and stillness practices. In movement, Andre blends his lifetime of practice in athletic development with the more subtle and mindful aspects of the embodied arts to assist practitioners in restoring a greater sense of connection, curiosity and playfulness with their body through movement practice. Andre's interest in mindfulness and stillness practices led him to formal study and training with his mentor and teacher Poep Sa (Dharma Teacher) Frank Jude Boccio (Mindfulness Yoga, Zen Naturalism) and the Empty Mountain Sangha. Andre leads mindfulness meditation study and practice groups from a naturalistic heart centred approach.
Andre believes that movement and stillness practices provide us with tools to deepen and strengthen our relationships, helping us to build a greater sense of community and well-being. He shares his lifetime of experience and dedicated practice with others, at his Toronto based studio the Spirit Loft Movement & Yoga Centre. He also leads teacher trainings, retreats and workshops.
Ellen Reesor
Ellen first found yoga at the age of 14 and quickly fell in love with the way it made her feel. After countless hours of practice she went on to complete a 200-hour YTT in Hatha yoga and a 500 hour Moksha Yoga teacher training as well as a 100 hour Moksha Yoga Flow training. Ellen is currently enrolled in a 10 month Embodied Arts and movement Teacher Training and Mentorship Program through Spirit Loft Movement and Yoga Centre downtown.
Though Ellen was very appreciative of her past experience in yoga she believed there was a major component missing in the yoga industry which lead her to establish the first nature based yoga facility in the GTA on her families’ farm that was based on her belief that practicing mindfulness and yoga in nature has a synergistic effect on our mental, spiritual and physical health . The power of both nature and yoga together is greater than the sum of each individually. Over the years, yoga and nature has deeply enriched her life and she continues to find fulfillment in helping others to find the same joy that it has brought her.